opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers package


opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.beamletFree module

class BLFree(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Beamlet free solver class. The beamlet free opitmization is done by the mcSquareDoseCalculator and thereby done directly in the mcSquare C code. This module is juste the interface between python and the C code.

!! THIS CLASS IS NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET !! To use the beamlet free solver, you need to call it via the mcSquareDoseCalculator.optimizeBeamletFree() method.


Solve the beamlet free optimization problem.

opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.bfgs module

class BFGS(accel=<opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.acceleration.linesearch.LineSearch object>, **kwargs)

Bases: GradientDescent

Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm. This algorithm solves unconstrained nonlinear planOptimization problems. The BFGS method belongs to quasi-Newton methods, a class of hill-climbing planOptimization techniques that seek a stationary point of a (preferably twice continuously differentiable) function.

class LBFGS(m=10, accel=<opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.acceleration.linesearch.LineSearch object>, **kwargs)

Bases: BFGS

Limited-memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm (L-BFGS). It approximates BFGS using a limited amount of computer memory. Like the original BFGS, L-BFGS uses an estimate of the inverse Hessian matrix to steer its search through variable space, but where BFGS stores a dense n × n approximation to the inverse Hessian (n being the number of variables in the problem), L-BFGS stores only a few vectors that represent the approximation implicitly

getHg(H0, g)

This function returns the approximate inverse Hessian multiplied by the gradient, H*g

  • H0 (ndarray) – Initial guess for the inverse Hessian

  • g (ndarray) – Gradient of the objective function

class ScipyOpt(meth='L-BFGS', **kwargs)

Bases: object

ScipyOpt is a wrapper for the scipy.optimize.minimize function.

  • meth (str (default: 'L-BFGS')) – The name of the scipy.optimize.minimize method to be used.

  • Nfeval (int) – The number of function evaluations.

  • params (dict) –

    The parameters for the scipy.optimize.minimize function. The paremeters are:

    ftolfloat (default: 1e-06)

    Tolerance for termination by the change of the cost function.

    gtolfloat (default: 1e-05)

    Tolerance for termination by the norm of the gradient.

    maxitint (default: 1000)

    Maximum number of iterations.

    outputstr (default: None)

    The name of the output file.

  • name (str) – The name of the solver.

solve(func, x0, bounds=None)

Solves the planOptimization problem using the scipy.optimize.minimize function.

  • func (list of functions) – The functions to be optimized.

  • x0 (list) – The initial guess.

  • bounds (list of Bounds (default: None)) – The bounds on the variables for scipy.optimize.minimize. By default, no bounds are set. Machine delivery constraints can (and should) be enforced by setting the bounds.


result – The result of the planOptimization. The keys are:


The solution.


The termination criterion.


The number of iterations.


The time of the planOptimization.


The value of the objective function at each iteration.

Return type:


opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.fista module

class FISTA(accel=<opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.acceleration.fistaAccel.FistaAccel object>, indicator=None, lambda_=1, **kwargs)

Bases: ConvexSolver

Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA) solver class for convex problems. Inherit from ConvexSolver. This part of the code comes from the EPFL LTS2 convex optimization toolbox.

  • meth (str (default: 'ForwardBackward')) – The name of the FISTA method to be used.

  • indicator (Indicator (default: None)) – The indicator function.

  • projection (Projection (default: None)) – The projection function.

  • lambda (float (default: 1)) – The lambda parameter.

  • z (ndarray) – The z variable.


Forward-backward proximal splitting algorithm (ISTA and FISTA). Can be used for problems composed of the sum of a smooth and a non-smooth function. For details about the algorithm, see A. Beck and M. Teboulle, “A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems”, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 183–202, 2009.


Generalized forward-backward proximal splitting algorithm. Can be used for problems composed of the sum of any number of smooth and non-smooth functions. For details about the algorithm, see H. Raguet, “A Generalized Forward-Backward Splitting”, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 6, no. 13, pp 1199-1226, 2013.

opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.gradientDescent module

class GradientDescent(**kwargs)

Bases: ConvexSolver

class for gradient descent solver. Inherits from ConvexSolver. This part of the code comes from the EPFL LTS2 convex optimization toolbox.

opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.localSearch module

class LS(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Local search solver base class.

!! This class is not implemented yet !!

opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.lp module

class LP(plan: RTPlan, **kwargs)

Bases: object

LP is a wrapper for the Gurobi linear optimizer.

  • plan (RTPlan) – The plan to be optimized.

  • solStruct (WeightStructure) – The structure of the solution.

  • xVars (list) – The list of the variables.

  • fidWeight (float (default: 1)) – The weight for the dose fidelity term.

  • LNSNIter (int (default: 0)) – The number of LNS iterations.

  • LNSPercentLayers (float (default: -1)) – The percentage of layers to be optimized in each LNS iteration.

  • completeAfterLNS (bool (default: True)) – If True, the optimization is completed after the LNS iterations.

  • LNSPercentLayersInc (float (default: 0)) – The increment of the percentage of layers to be optimized in each LNS iteration.

  • groupSpotsInit (int (default: 0)) – The number of spots to be grouped in the first iteration.

  • groupSpotsIter (int (default: 0)) – The number of iterations for the spot grouping.

  • completeAfterGroup (bool (default: True)) – If True, the optimization is completed after the spot grouping iterations.

  • groupSpots (bool (default: False)) – If True, the spots are grouped.

  • M (int (default: 20)) – The maximum number of MU per spot.

  • timeLimit (int (default: 300)) – The time limit for the optimization.

  • inputf (str (default: None)) – The name of the input file.

  • solFile (str (default: None)) – The name of the solution file.


Creates the Gurobi model.


name (str (default: “LP”)) – The name of the model.


model – The Gurobi model.

Return type:

Gurobi model

solve(func, x0, **kwargs)

Solves the planOptimization problem using the Gurobi linear optimizer.

  • func (list of functions) – The functions to be optimized.

  • x0 (list) – The initial guess.

  • kwargs (dict) – The parameters for the Gurobi linear optimizer.


result – The result of the planOptimization. The keys are:


The solution.


The termination criterion.


The number of iterations.


The time.


The objective function value.

Return type:


opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.mip module

class MIP(plan: RTPlan, **kwargs)

Bases: LP

Mixed Integer Programming solver for the sequencing problem. The solver is based on the Gurobi solver. Inherit from LP.

  • plan (RTPlan) – The plan to be optimized

  • **kwargs – Additional parameters for the solver. Arguments are: - max_switch_ups : int

    Maximum number of energy layer switches. If -1, the number of switches is not limited

    • EL_costbool

      If True, the energy layer switch costs are taken into account

    • ES_up_weightfloat

      Weight of the energy layer switch costs in the objective function

  • max_switch_ups (int (default: -1)) – Maximum number of energy layer switches. If -1, the number of switches is not limited

  • no_EL_cost (bool (default: False)) – If True, the energy layer switch costs are not taken into account

  • machine (bool (default: False)) – If True, the energy layer switch costs are calculated based on the machine

  • time_weight (float (default: -1)) – Weight of the energy layer switch costs in the objective function


Create the model for the MIP solver. Inherit from LP.createModel().


name (str (default: “MIP”)) – Name of the model


model – The model for the MIP solver

Return type:


opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.solver module

class ConvexSolver(step=0.1, accel=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

ConvexSolver is the base class for all convex solvers. This part of the code comes from the EPFL LTS2 convex optimization toolbox.

  • step (float (default: 0.1)) – The step size.

  • accel (Accel (default: None)) – The acceleration scheme.

  • params (dict) –

    The parameters for the solver. The paremeters are:

    dtolfloat (default: None)

    Tolerance for termination by the change of the cost function.

    xtolfloat (default: None)

    Tolerance for termination by the change of the solution.

    atolfloat (default: None)

    Tolerance for termination by the cost function.

    ftolfloat (default: 1e-03)

    Tolerance for termination by the relative change of the cost function.

  • non_smooth_funs (list) – The list of non-smooth functions.

  • smooth_funs (list) – The list of smooth functions.

  • fid_cost (list) – The list of the cost function values.

  • sol (ndarray) – The solution.

algo(objective, niter)

Call the solver iterative algorithm and the provided acceleration scheme

  • objective (list) – The value of the objective function at each iteration.

  • niter (int) – The number of iterations.


Return the objective function at x. Necessitate solver._pre(…) to be run first.


x (ndarray) – The point at which the objective function is evaluated.


obj – The value of the objective function at x.

Return type:



Solver-specific post-processing. Mainly used to delete references added during initialization so that the garbage collector can free the memory.

pre(functions, x0)

Solver-specific pre-processing; functions split in two lists: - self.smoothFuns : functions involved in gradient steps - self.nonSmoothFuns : functions involved in proximal steps

  • functions (list) – list of convex functions to minimize

  • x0 (ndarray) – initial weight vector

solve(functions, x0)

Solve an planOptimization problem whose objective function is the sum of some convex functions.

  • functions (list) – list of convex functions to minimize (objects must implement the “pyopti.functions.func.eval” and/or pyopti.functions.func.prox methods, required by some solvers).

  • x0 (ndarray) – initial weight vector


result – The result of the planOptimization. The keys are:


The solution.


The name of the solver.


The termination criterion.


The number of iterations.


The time of the planOptimization.


The value of the objective function at each iteration.

Return type:


opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.sparcling module

class SPArCling(plan, arcStart, arcStop, maxNSplitting, finalAngleStep, mode='BLBased', coreOptimizer='Scipy-LBFGS', **kwargs)

Bases: object

SPArCling is a solver for the spot-scanning Poron Arc Therapy (SPArC) problem.

  • plan (Plan) – The plan to be optimized.

  • arcStart (float) – The start angle of the arc.

  • arcStop (float) – The stop angle of the arc.

  • maxNSplitting (int) – The maximum number of splitting steps.

  • finalAngleStep (float) – The final angle step.

  • mode (str (default: 'BLBased')) – The mode of the solver.

  • coreOptimizer (str (default: 'Scipy-LBFGS')) – The core optimizer to be used.

  • M (int (default: 2)) – The number of beams to be used.

  • angularStep (float) – The angular step.

  • theta1 (float) – The first theta.

  • theta2 (float) – The second theta.

  • minTheta (float) – The minimum theta.

  • theta0 (float) –

solve(func, x0, **kwargs)

Solves the SPArCling problem.

!!! This function is not finished yet !!!

  • func (function) – The function to be optimized.

  • x0 (ndarray) – The initial guess.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


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