opentps.core.processing.trackingToolBox package


opentps.core.processing.trackingToolBox.NavigatorTracking module

extractROIAndRotationParams(arrayList, squareCoords)

Extract the ROI from the image and compute the rotation angle based on the navigator position.

  • arrayList (list) – List containing the images of the video.

  • squareCoords (list) – List containing the coordinates of the navigator.


  • ROIarrayList (list) – List containing the ROI of the images.

  • origin (tuple) – Origin of the ROI.

  • rotAngleInRad (float) – Rotation angle in radians.

  • rotAngleInDeg (float) – Rotation angle in degrees.

  • selectedLineIndex (int) – Index of the selected line.

  • navigatorMainDirection (str) – Orientation of the navigator. “vertical” or “horizontal”.

oneDimensionNavThreshold(videoData, nav, gama, bins)

Select the pixel line under the navigator placed by mouse, then create an image with the pixel line of every frame. Use Otsu’s thresholding method to select a threshold and mask the new …

  • videoData (dict) – Dictionary containing all the data of the video.

  • nav (list) – List containing the coordinates of the navigator.

  • gama (float) – Gama value for the image.

  • bins (int) – Number of bins for the image.


  • signal (array) – Array containing the signal of the navigator.

  • rotAngleInRad (float) – Rotation angle in radians.

  • navigatorOrientation (str) – Orientation of the navigator.

  • nav (list) – List containing the coordinates of the navigator.

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