opentps.core.processing package



opentps.core.processing.rangeEnergy module

energyToRange(energy: float | ndarray) float | ndarray

This function converts a proton beam energy (in MeV) to a water equivalent range (defined as r80, i.e., the position of the 80% dose in the distal falloff, in cm).

The formula comes from Loic Grevillot et al. [1, 2], from a fitting to the NIST/ICRU database.

[1] L. Grevillot, et al. “A Monte Carlo pencil beam scanning model for proton treatment plan simulation using GATE/GEANT4.” Phys Med Biol, 56(16):5203–5219, Aug 2011. [2] L. Grevillot, et al. “Optimization of geant4 settings for proton pencil beam scanning simulations using gate”. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 268(20):3295 – 3305, 2010.


energy (float) – Energy in MeV.


r80 – r80 in cm.

Return type:


energyToRangeMM(energy: float | ndarray) float | ndarray

This function converts a proton beam energy (in MeV) to a water equivalent range (defined as r80, i.e., the position of the 80% dose in the distal falloff, in mm).

It uses the function energyToRange, but converts the input and output to mm.


energy (float) – Energy in MeV.


r80 – r80 in mm.

Return type:


rangeMMToEnergy(r80: float | ndarray) float | ndarray

This function converts the water equivalent range (defined as r80, i.e., the position of the 80% dose in the distal falloff, in mm) to incident energy of the proton beam (in MeV).

It uses the function rangeToEnergy, but converts the input and output to mm.


r80 (float) – r80 in mm.


energy – Energy in MeV.

Return type:


rangeToEnergy(r80: float | ndarray) float | ndarray

This function converts the water equivalent range (defined as r80, i.e., the position of the 80% dose in the distal falloff, in cm) to incident energy of the proton beam (in MeV).

The formula comes from Loic Grevillot et al. [1, 2], from a fitting to the NIST/ICRU database.

[1] L. Grevillot, et al. “A Monte Carlo pencil beam scanning model for proton treatment plan simulation using GATE/GEANT4.” Phys Med Biol, 56(16):5203–5219, Aug 2011. [2] L. Grevillot, et al. “Optimization of geant4 settings for proton pencil beam scanning simulations using gate”. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 268(20):3295 – 3305, 2010.


r80 (float) – r80 in cm.


energy – Energy in MeV.

Return type:


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