
Module contents

class CTImage(imageArray=None, name='CT image', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), seriesInstanceUID='', frameOfReferenceUID='', sliceLocation=None, sopInstanceUIDs=None, patient=None)

Bases: Image3D

Class for CT images. Inherits from Image3D and all its attributes.

  • name (str (default: "CT image")) – Name of the image.

  • frameOfReferenceUID (str) – UID of the frame of reference.

  • sliceLocation (float) – Location of the slice.

  • sopInstanceUIDs (list of str) – List of SOP instance UIDs.


Returns a copy of the CTImage object.

Return type:


classmethod fromImage3D(image, **kwargs)

Creates a CTImage from an Image3D object.

  • image (Image3D) – Image3D object to be converted.

  • kwargs (dict (optional)) – Additional keyword arguments. - imageArray : numpy.ndarray

    Image array of the image.

    • origintuple of float

      Origin of the image.

    • spacingtuple of float

      Spacing of the image.

    • anglestuple of float

      Angles of the image.

    • seriesInstanceUIDstr

      Series instance UID of the image.

    • patientPatient

      Patient object of the image.


The created CTImage object.

Return type:


class Deformation3D(imageArray=None, name='Deformation', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), seriesInstanceUID='', velocity=None, displacement=None, patient=None)

Bases: Image3D

Class for 3D deformations (velocity and/or displacement fields). Inherits from Image3D and its attributes.

  • velocity (VectorField3D) – Velocity field of the deformation.

  • displacement (VectorField3D) – Displacement field of the deformation.


Error if both velocity and displacement are initialized but have different origin or spacing.


Create a copy of the deformation.


Copy of the deformation.

Return type:


deformImage(image, fillValue='closest', outputType=<class 'numpy.float32'>, tryGPU=True)

Deform 3D image using linear interpolation.

  • image – image to be deformed.

  • fillValue (scalar) – interpolation value for locations outside the input voxel grid.

Return type:

Deformed image.


Create a copy of the deformation that can be dumped to disk.


Copy of the deformation that can be dumped to disk.

Return type:


property gridSize

Compute the voxel grid size of the deformation.


Grid size of velocity field and/or displacement field.

Return type:



Initialize deformation using the input field as displacement.


field (numpy array) – field used as displacement in the deformation.


Initialize deformation using the voxel grid of the input image.


image (numpy array) – image from which the voxel grid is copied.


Initialize deformation using the input field as velocity.


field (numpy array) – field used as velocity in the deformation.

resample(spacing, gridSize, origin, fillValue=0, outputType=None, tryGPU=True)

Resample deformation (velocity and/or displacement field) according to new voxel grid using linear interpolation.

  • gridSize (list) – size of the resampled deformation voxel grid.

  • origin (list) – origin of the resampled deformation voxel grid.

  • spacing (list) – spacing of the resampled deformation voxel grid.

  • fillValue (scalar) – interpolation value for locations outside the input voxel grid.

  • outputType (numpy data type) – type of the output.


Set displacement field of the deformation. Velocity field is set to None.


displacement (VectorField3D) – Displacement field of the deformation.


Set the image array of the displacement field of the deformation. Velocity field is set to None.


displacementArray (numpy array) – Image array of the displacement field of the deformation.

setDisplacementArrayXYZ(displacementArrayX, displacementArrayY, displacementArrayZ)

Set the image array of the displacement field of the deformation. Velocity field is set to None.

  • displacementArrayX (numpy array) – Image array of the displacement field of the deformation in x direction.

  • displacementArrayY (numpy array) – Image array of the displacement field of the deformation in y direction.

  • displacementArrayZ (numpy array) – Image array of the displacement field of the deformation in z direction.


Set velocity field of the deformation. Displacement field is set to None.


velocity (VectorField3D) – Velocity field of the deformation.


Set the image array of the velocity field of the deformation. Displacement field is set to None.


velocityArray (numpy array) – Image array of the velocity field of the deformation.

setVelocityArrayXYZ(velocityArrayX, velocityArrayY, velocityArrayZ)

Set the image array of the velocity field of the deformation. Displacement field is set to None.

  • velocityArrayX (numpy array) – Image array of the velocity field of the deformation in x direction.

  • velocityArrayY (numpy array) – Image array of the velocity field of the deformation in y direction.

  • velocityArrayZ (numpy array) – Image array of the velocity field of the deformation in z direction.

class DoseImage(imageArray=None, name='Dose image', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), seriesInstanceUID=None, sopInstanceUID=None, referencePlan: RTPlan | None = None, referenceCT: CTImage | None = None, patient=None)

Bases: Image3D

Class for dose images. Inherits from Image3D and its attributes.

  • referenceCT (CTImage) – Reference CT image for the dose image.

  • referencePlan (RTPlan) – Reference RTPlan for the dose image.

  • sopInstanceUID (str) – SOP instance UID of the dose image.


Returns a copy of the DoseImage object.


Copy of the DoseImage object.

Return type:


classmethod createEmptyDoseWithSameMetaData(image: Image3D, **kwargs)

Creates an empty DoseImage with the same meta data as the given Image3D object.

  • image (Image3D) – Image3D object to be converted.

  • kwargs (dict (optional)) –

    Additional keyword arguments.
    • imageArraynumpy.ndarray

      Image array of the image.

    • origintuple of float

      Origin of the image.

    • spacingtuple of float

      Spacing of the image.

    • anglestuple of float

      Angles of the image.

    • seriesInstanceUIDstr

      Series instance UID of the image.

    • patientPatient

      Patient object of the image.


Returns a dumpable copy of the DoseImage object.


Dumpable copy of the DoseImage object.

Return type:


exportDicom(outputFile, planUID=[])
classmethod fromImage3D(image: Image3D, **kwargs)

Creates a DoseImage from an Image3D object.

  • image (Image3D) – Image3D object to be converted.

  • kwargs (dict (optional)) – Additional keyword arguments. - imageArray : numpy.ndarray

    Image array of the image.

    • origintuple of float

      Origin of the image.

    • spacingtuple of float

      Spacing of the image.

    • anglestuple of float

      Angles of the image.

    • seriesInstanceUIDstr

      Series instance UID of the image.

    • patientPatient

      Patient object of the image.


DoseImage object.

Return type:


class Image2D(imageArray=None, name='2D Image', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), seriesInstanceUID=None, patient=None)

Bases: PatientData

Class for 2D images. Inherits from PatientData.

  • name (str (default: "2D Image")) – Name of the image.

  • imageArray (numpy array) – 2D numpy array containing the image data.

  • origin (numpy array (default: (0,0,0))) – 1x3 numpy array containing the origin of the image.

  • spacing (numpy array (default: (1,1))) – 1x2 numpy array containing the spacing of the image in mm.

  • angles (numpy array (default: (0,0,0))) – 1x3 numpy array containing the angles of the image.

  • gridSize (numpy array) – 1x2 numpy array containing the size of the image in voxels.

  • gridSizeInWorldUnit (numpy array) – 1x2 numpy array containing the size of the image in mm.

property angles: ndarray
classmethod fromImage2D(image, **kwargs)

Creates a new Image2D from an existing Image2D.

  • image (Image2D) – Image2D to copy.

  • kwargs (dict (optional)) –

    Keyword arguments to be passed to the constructor.
    • imageArraynumpy.ndarray

      Image array of the image.

    • origintuple of float

      Origin of the image.

    • spacingtuple of float

      Spacing of the image.

    • anglestuple of float

      Angles of the image.

    • seriesInstanceUIDstr

      Series instance UID of the image.

    • patientPatient

      Patient object of the image.

getDataAtPosition(position: Sequence)

Returns the data from the image array at a given position in the image.


position (tuple of float) – Position in the image in mm.


dataNumpy – Data from the image array at the given position.

Return type:


getMeshGridPositions() ndarray

Returns the meshgrid of the image in mm.


meshgrid – Meshgrid of the image in mm.

Return type:


getPositionFromVoxelIndex(index: Sequence[int]) Sequence[float]

Returns the position in the image of a given voxel index.


index (tuple of int) – Voxel index in the image.


position – Position in the image in mm.

Return type:

tuple of float


ValueError – If the voxel index is outside of the image.

getVoxelIndexFromPosition(position: Sequence[float]) Sequence[float]

Returns the voxel index of a given position in the image.


position (tuple of float) – Position in the image in mm.


voxelIndex – Voxel index of the given position.

Return type:

tuple of int


ValueError – If the voxel index is outside of the image.

property gridSize: ndarray
property gridSizeInWorldUnit: ndarray
hasSameGrid(otherImage) bool

Check whether the voxel grid is the same as the voxel grid of another image given as input.


otherImage (numpy array) – image to which the voxel grid is compared.


True if grids are identical, False otherwise.

Return type:


property imageArray: ndarray
property origin: ndarray
property spacing: ndarray
class Image3D(imageArray=None, name='3D Image', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), seriesInstanceUID=None, patient=None)

Bases: PatientData

Class for 3D images. Inherits from PatientData and its attributes.

  • name (str (default: '3D Image')) – Name of the image.

  • imageArray (numpy array) – 3D array containing the image data.

  • origin (numpy array (default: (0, 0, 0))) – 3D array containing the origin of the image.

  • spacing (numpy array (default: (1, 1, 1))) – 3D array containing the spacing of the image.

  • angles (numpy array (default: (0, 0, 0))) – 3D array containing the angles of the image.

  • gridSize (numpy array) – 3D array containing the grid size of the image.

  • gridSizeInWorldUnit (numpy array) – 3D array containing the grid size of the image in world units.

  • numberOfVoxels (int) – Number of voxels in the image.

property angles: ndarray

Create a copy of the image.


Copy of the image.

Return type:


classmethod fromImage3D(image, **kwargs)

Create a new Image3D from an existing Image3D.

  • image (Image3D) – Image to copy.

  • kwargs (dict (optional)) –

    Additional keyword arguments to pass to the constructor.
    • imageArraynumpy.ndarray

      Image array of the image.

    • origintuple of float

      Origin of the image.

    • spacingtuple of float

      Spacing of the image.

    • anglestuple of float

      Angles of the image.

    • seriesInstanceUIDstr

      Series instance UID of the image.

    • patientPatient

      Patient object of the image.


New Image3D object.

Return type:


getDataAtPosition(position: Sequence)

Get the data value of the image array at a given position in the image.


position (Sequence) – Position in the image.


Data value of the image array at the given position.

Return type:


getMeshGridPositions() ndarray

Get the mesh grid positions of the image in mm.


Mesh grid positions of the image in mm.

Return type:


getPositionFromVoxelIndex(index: Sequence[int]) Sequence[float]

Get the position in the image from a given voxel index.


index (Sequence[int]) – Voxel index in the image.


Position in the image from the given voxel index.

Return type:


getVoxelIndexFromPosition(position: Sequence[float]) Sequence[float]

Get the voxel index of the image array at a given position in the image.


position (Sequence[float]) – Position in the image.


Voxel index of the image array at the given position.

Return type:


property gridSize: ndarray

Compute the voxel grid size of the image.


Image grid size.

Return type:


property gridSizeInWorldUnit: ndarray
hasSameGrid(otherImage) bool

Check whether the voxel grid is the same as the voxel grid of another image given as input.


otherImage (numpy array) – image to which the voxel grid is compared.


True if grids are identical, False otherwise.

Return type:


property imageArray: ndarray

Get the maximum value of the image array.


Maximum value of the image array.

Return type:



Get the minimum value of the image array.


Minimum value of the image array.

Return type:


property numberOfVoxels
property origin: ndarray
resample(spacing, gridSize, origin, fillValue=0, outputType=None, tryGPU=True)

Resample image according to new voxel grid using linear interpolation.

  • gridSize (list) – size of the resampled image voxel grid.

  • origin (list) – origin of the resampled image voxel grid.

  • spacing (list) – spacing of the resampled image voxel grid.

  • fillValue (scalar) – interpolation value for locations outside the input voxel grid.

  • outputType (numpy data type) – type of the output.

resampleOn(otherImage, fillValue=0, outputType=None, tryGPU=True)

Resample image using the voxel grid of another image given as input, using linear interpolation.

  • otherImage (numpy array) – image from which the voxel grid is copied.

  • fillValue (scalar) – interpolation value for locations outside the input voxel grid.

  • outputType (numpy data type) – type of the output.

property spacing: ndarray
class LETImage(imageArray=None, name='3D Image', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), seriesInstanceUID=None, patient=None)

Bases: Image3D

Class for Linear Energy Transfer (LET) images. Inherits from Image3D.

class MRImage(imageArray=None, name='MR image', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), seriesInstanceUID='', frameOfReferenceUID='', sliceLocation=None, sopInstanceUIDs=None, patient=None)

Bases: Image3D

Class for MR images. Inherits from Image3D.

  • name (str (default: "MR image")) – Name of the image.

  • frameOfReferenceUID (str) – UID of the frame of reference.

  • sliceLocation (float) – Location of the slice.

  • sopInstanceUIDs (list of str) – List of SOP instance UIDs.

  • bodyPartExamined (str) – Body part examined.

  • scanningSequence (str) – Scanning sequence.

  • sequenceVariant (str) – Sequence variant.

  • scanOptions (str) – Scan options.

  • mrArcquisitionType (str) – MR acquisition type.

  • repetitionTime (float (default: 0.0)) – Repetition time.

  • echoTime (float (default: 0.0)) – Echo time.

  • nAverages (float (default: 0.0)) – Number of averages.

  • imagingFrequency (str) – Imaging frequency.

  • echoNumbers (int (default: 1)) – Number of echoes.

  • magneticFieldStrength (float (default: 3.0)) – Magnetic field strength.

  • spacingBetweenSlices (float (default: 2.0)) – Spacing between slices.

  • nPhaseSteps (int (default: 1)) – Number of phase steps.

  • echoTrainLength (int (default: 1)) – Echo train length.

  • flipAngle (float (default: 90.0)) – Flip angle in degrees.

  • sar (float (default: 0.0)) – Specific absorption rate.


Creates a copy of the MRImage.


Copy of the MRImage.

Return type:


classmethod fromImage3D(image, **kwargs)

Creates a MRImage from an Image3D.

  • image (Image3D) – Image3D to be converted to MRImage.

  • kwargs (dict (optional)) –

    Additional keyword arguments.
    • imageArraynumpy.ndarray

      Image array of the image.

    • origintuple of float

      Origin of the image.

    • spacingtuple of float

      Spacing of the image.

    • anglestuple of float

      Angles of the image.

    • seriesInstanceUIDstr

      Series instance UID of the image.

    • patientPatient

      Patient object of the image.


MRImage created from the Image3D.

Return type:


class Projection(imageArray=None, name='2D Image', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1), seriesInstanceUID=None, projectionAngle=0, rotationAxis='Z', sourceImage=None, patient=None)

Bases: Image2D

Base class for all projections of 2D images. i.e. DRR, XRayImage. Inherits from Image2D.

  • projectionAngle (float) – Angle of projection in degrees.

  • rotationAxis (str) – Axis of rotation. ‘X’, ‘Y’, or ‘Z’.

  • sourceImage (Image2D) – Image from which the projection was created.

class ROIMask(imageArray=None, name='ROI contour', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), displayColor=(0, 0, 0), patient=None, seriesInstanceUID=None)

Bases: Image3D

Class for ROI mask. Inherits from Image3D. It is a binary image with 1 inside the ROI and 0 outside.

  • name (str (default: 'ROI contour')) – Name of the ROI mask

  • color (str (default: '0,0,0')) – RGB of the color of the ROI mask, format : ‘r,g,b’ like ‘0,0,0’ for black for instance

  • centerOfMass (numpy.ndarray) – Center of mass of the ROI mask

property centerOfMass: ndarray
closeMask(radius=1.0, struct=None, tryGPU=True)

Close the ROI mask.

  • radius (float (default: 1.0)) – Radius of the closing in mm.

  • struct (numpy.ndarray (default: None)) – Structuring element for the closing.

  • tryGPU (bool (default: False)) – If True, the closing is performed on the GPU if possible.

property color

Create a copy of the ROI mask.


Copy of the ROI mask.

Return type:


createMaskRings(nRings, radius)

Create a ring ROI to obtain nice gradient dose around the ROI

  • nRings (int) – Number of rings to be created

  • radius (float) – thickness of each ring in mm

dilateMask(radius=1.0, struct=None, tryGPU=False)

Dilate the ROI mask.

  • radius (float (default: 1.0)) – Radius of the dilation in mm.

  • struct (numpy.ndarray (default: None)) – Structuring element for the dilation.

  • tryGPU (bool (default: False)) – If True, the dilation is performed on the GPU if possible.

erodeMask(radius=1.0, struct=None, tryGPU=True)

Erode the ROI mask.

  • radius (float (default: 1.0)) – Radius of the erosion in mm.

  • struct (numpy.ndarray (default: None)) – Structuring element for the erosion.

  • tryGPU (bool (default: False)) – If True, the erosion is performed on the GPU if possible.

classmethod fromImage3D(image, **kwargs)

Create a ROIContour from an Image3D. The imageArray of the ROIContour is the same as the imageArray of the Image3D.

  • image (Image3D) – Image3D from which the ROIContour is created

  • kwargs (dict (optional)) –

    Additional arguments to be passed to the constructor of the ROIContour
    • imageArraynumpy.ndarray

      Image array of the image.

    • origintuple of float

      Origin of the image.

    • spacingtuple of float

      Spacing of the image.

    • anglestuple of float

      Angles of the image.

    • seriesInstanceUIDstr

      Series instance UID of the image.

    • patientPatient

      Patient object of the image.

    • namestr

      Name of the image.


Get the binary contour mask of the ROI mask.


internalBorder (bool (default: False)) – If True the ROI is eroded before getting the contour mask, otherwise it is dilated.


Binary contour mask of the ROI mask.

Return type:



Get the ROI contour.


ROI contour of the ROI mask.

Return type:



Get the volume of the ROI mask.


inVoxels (bool (default: False)) – If True, the volume is returned in voxels, otherwise in mm^3.

openMask(radius=1.0, struct=None, tryGPU=True)

Open the ROI mask.

  • radius (float (default: 1.0)) – Radius of the opening in mm.

  • struct (numpy.ndarray (default: None)) – Structuring element for the opening.

  • tryGPU (bool (default: False)) – If True, the opening is performed on the GPU if possible.

class RSPImage(imageArray=None, name='RSP image', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), seriesInstanceUID=None, frameOfReferenceUID=None, sliceLocation=[], sopInstanceUIDs=[], patient=None)

Bases: Image3D

Class for Relative Stopping Power images. Inherits from Image3D.

  • name (str (default: "RSP image")) – Name of the image.

  • frameOfReferenceUID (str) – Frame of reference UID.

  • sliceLocation (list of float) – Slice location.

  • sopInstanceUIDs (list of str) – SOP instance UID.

computeCumulativeWEPL(beam: PlanIonBeam | None = None, sad=inf, roi=None) Image3D

Compute the cumulative water equivalent path length (WEPL) of the image.

  • beam (PlanIonBeam (optional)) – Ion beam object.

  • roi (ROICountour or ROIMask (optional))


Image3D object.

Return type:


classmethod fromCT(ct: CTImage, calibration: AbstractCTCalibration, energy: float = 100.0)

Create a new RSPImage from a CTImage object by converting the Housefield units to relative stopping power according to the calibration.

  • ct (CTImage) – CTImage object.

  • calibration (AbstractCTCalibration) – CT calibration object.

  • energy (float (default: 100.)) – Energy of the beam in MeV.


RSPImage object.

Return type:


classmethod fromImage3D(image, **kwargs)

Create a new RSPImage from an Image3D object.

  • image (Image3D) – Image3D object.

  • kwargs (dict (optional)) –

    Additional keyword arguments.
    • imageArraynumpy.ndarray

      Image array of the image.

    • origintuple of float

      Origin of the image.

    • spacingtuple of float

      Spacing of the image.

    • anglestuple of float

      Angles of the image.

    • seriesInstanceUIDstr

      Series instance UID of the image.

    • patientPatient

      Patient object of the image.


Get the stopping power ratio at a given position. If the position is outside the image, the SPR is set to 0.001.


position (tuple of float) – Position in mm.


Stopping power ratio.

Return type:


class VectorField3D(imageArray=None, name='Vector Field', origin=(0, 0, 0), spacing=(1, 1, 1), angles=(0, 0, 0), seriesInstanceUID=None, patient=None)

Bases: Image3D

Class for 3D vector fields. Inherits from Image3D.

  • name (str (default: "Vector Field")) – Name of the vector field.

  • gridSize (tuple of int) – Size of the voxel grid.


Compute the voxel-wise norm of the vector field.


Voxel-wise norm of the vector field.

Return type:

numpy array


Create a copy of the vector field.


Copy of the vector field.

Return type:


exponentiateField(outputType=<class 'numpy.float32'>, tryGPU=True)

Exponentiate the vector field (e.g. to convert velocity in to displacement).

  • outputType (numpy type (default: np.float32)) – output data type.

  • tryGPU (bool (default: True)) – if True, try to use GPU for warping.


Displacement field.

Return type:

numpy array

property gridSize

Compute the voxel grid size of the deformation.


Grid size of velocity field and/or displacement field.

Return type:



Initialize vector field using the voxel grid of the input image.


image (Image3D) – image from which the voxel grid is copied.

warp(data, fillValue='closest', outputType=<class 'numpy.float32'>, tryGPU=True)

Warp 3D data using linear interpolation.

  • data (numpy array) – data to be warped.

  • fillValue (scalar or ‘closest’ (default: ‘closest’)) – interpolation value for locations outside the input voxel grid. If ‘closest’, the closest voxel value is used.

  • outputType (numpy type (default: np.float32)) – output data type.

  • tryGPU (bool (default: True)) – if True, try to use GPU for warping.


Warped data.

Return type:

numpy array