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OpenTPS v2.0.0 - Official Release

πŸš€ Exciting News from OpenTPS! πŸš€

We are thrilled to announce the release of OpenTPS version 2.0.0! πŸŽ‰

Maximizing Dose Rate by Spot Filter Optimization in conformal FLASH pencil beam scanning proton therapy

The FLASH sparing effect, demonstrated in pre-clinical studies at ultra-high dose rates (UHDR), offers potential in cancer treatment. However, achieving UHDR raises plan optimization challenges, like maximizing the volume of healthy tissues receiving FLASH UHDR while optimizing the spot weights. Recent developments in conformal FLASH pencil beam scanning proton therapy have concentrated on optimizing the spot delivery pattern due to their direct impact on dose rate (DR) model. In this study the focus is shifted to spot filtering optimization, which is shown to further increase DR and potentially enhance the feasibility and effectiveness of FLASH therapy.

Fast dose calculation algorithm (DoTA) of mono-energetic proton pencil beams

DoTA is a data-driven dose engine designed to predict dose distributions with high accuracy. This algorithm learns a mapping between a 3D CT input voxel grid and the output dose distribution conditioned on the energy. The goal is to predict mono-energic proton pencil beam dose distribution in a few milliseconds.