Treatment planning in arc proton therapy Comparison of several optimization problem statements and their corresponding solvers

Publication by Wuyckens, Sophie; Saint-Guillain, Michael; Janssens, Guillaume; Zhao, Lewei; Li, Xiaoqiang; Ding, Xuanfeng; Sterpin, Edmond; Lee, John A.; Souris, Kevin

Development and numerical assessment of an analytical model for dose estimation in FLASH proton therapy with 3D range modulators

Master thesis by Devresse, Elisa

Robust treatment planning for proton therapy Computational methods to deal with geometric and target volume uncertainties

PhD Thesis by Buti, Gregory

Data-driven learning and optimization approaches for proton therapy

PhD Thesis by Hamaide, Valentin

Clinical integration and applications of fast Monte Carlo simulations in proton therapy

PhD Thesis by Cohilis, Marie