What is OpenTPS ?

Radiation simulation through Monte Carlo algorithm from Open-MCsquare

Image processing capabilities : image processing, image segmentation, image registration, ...

Robust plan optimization with built-in solvers

Quality assesment of created plans with DVH metrics

OpenTPS is an open-source treatment planning system (TPS) for research in radiation therapy and proton therapy. It was developed in Python with a special focus on simplifying contribution to the core functions to let the user develop their own features.
We hope that with OpenTPS, you will find a way to develop innovative methods in the field of proton therapy and accelerate the research against cancer.

Advantages :

Open-source software

free to use and under the licenses Apache-2.0 and GPLv3

Possibility collaborate

fork the GitLab repository of OpenTPS to help the development of OpenTPS core and GUI.

Software designed for research

features such as own solver implementation directly available in the GUI


ability to implement your own script and to enhance the OpenTPS library with your own delivery methods

Python implementation

code written in python for easiness of use and cross-platform compatibility

Users of OpenTPS around the world

An original project from : Funded by :

DISCLAIMER : OpenTPS is not a medical device, it is purely intended for research purposes and should only be used as such.
OpenTPS has not received CE or FDA approval.