opentps.core.processing.dataComparison namespace


opentps.core.processing.dataComparison.dynamic3DModelComparison module

compareModels(dynMod1, dynMod2, structList1=[], structList2=[], fixedModel=1)

Compare two dynamic 3D models by registering them and comparing the masks

  • dynMod1 (Dynamic3DModel) – First dynamic 3D model to compare

  • dynMod2 (Dynamic3DModel) – Second dynamic 3D model to compare

  • structList1 (list of str) – List of the names of the structures to compare from the first model

  • structList2 (list of str) – List of the names of the structures to compare from the second model

  • fixedModel (int) – 1 if the first model is the fixed model, 2 if the second model is the fixed model


results – List of the baseline shifts between the masks of the two models. The first element is the Transform3D object from the rigid registration between the two models.

Return type:


opentps.core.processing.dataComparison.metrics module